Friday, August 22, 2008

Vicky, Christina, Barcelona

THEIRS: Ahhhh, comp time. HIS took comp time and HERS had her normal Friday off, so they decided to take in a free.
HERS: The thing about this movie is, it had fabulous characters. So fabulous in fact that the most unique character, Christina, reminds me VERY MUCH, VERY, VERY MUCH of someone I know quite well. So, I laughed often at the similarities. Scarlett Johanson knocked this role out of the bed. I related to Vicky, Christina's best friend. Not the infidelity part, but a lot of her thought processes. Who can't relate to internal conflict? I am responsible, but I have urges to be irresponsible. Now, I am not saying I am running off to Spain, but I understand the want to fill the missing pieces of our lives and wanting to pull yourself out of the box others or yourself put you in. I know who I am but I search to find myself. A common conflict if you continue to grow and evolve as a person. OK, back to the flick...Javier Bardem is a scrumptious in this role of a man who speaks his mind and doesn't apologize for it-he is charming as well. Penelope Cruz is psychotically loving as the crazy ex. She was a unique character too, but I have met many Maria Elena's in my time. It was a good movie because it spoke to some of the most important driving forces in our lives, love, friendship, being true to yourself and making your life your own.It is a conversation film. I enjoyed it in ways I am still realizing 8 hours later.

Woody Allen make a movie about infidelity and love you wouldn't expect to find? what you know.

HER RATING: 8.5 This is a hard film to rate for me, the rating just doesn't pop out. It was interesting to watch and promoted a lot of thought and discussion. The performances were great and I if I could look like any star, I'd go with Scarlett Johanson. She is stunning in the role and on film. Does that make me bi-sexual? You have to watch the movie to get that question. LOL.

HIS: This is a Woody Allen movie. Woody Allen puts a lot of relationship-stuff in his movies. At least, the ones I've seen. I thought this was an "OK" movie with an A-list cast. Javier Bardem is on a roll, having won the Oscar for No Country for Old Men. He does a good job here, playing a guy with one thing on his mind - many different women. Scarlett Johanson does a good job as well playing a very free spirit - her character reminded me of someone I know in many ways. Penelope Cruz did a great job playing an unhinged woman that was very passionate and creative. I am convinced she can act; I wasn't sure after seeing the movie Sahara a few years ago. This movie had some subject matter that I didn't dig, but that doesn't mean I the movie wasn't done well. Spain is definitely beautiful; I definitely want to take my wife there someday. The movie was a story that held my interest because the characters seemed to be dealing with so many issues. That being said, Mamma Mia was a love story that I enjoyed much, much more. Maybe if Penelope Cruz broke out in "Waterloo," I may have liked the film more. That being said, I got to spend the day with my wife, and that was definitely the highlight of my day, even if the movie was so-so.

HIS RATING: 5 of 10 - This is a movie that you rent with a really good take-out meal, like olive garden, or the best pizza in town.


HERS: After reading the blogs...more conversation ensued...worth seeing just for that...well, says HERS. HIS might say don't see it, avoid those deep conversations, just take your lady to a light chick flick that leaves her walking away with a pep in her step.The back and forth follows...

HIS: It is no secret I am more black and white about relationships. You saw things I didn't choose to see because the infidelity made his character difficult to empathize with.

HERS: When was HE an infidel?

HIS: Promiscuity, that is what made his character difficult to empathize with.

HERS: I just saw a man with a deeper want to love and being unable to get all the things he wanted in one person.
HIS: That is one way of looking at it, the other way of looking at it is he is a guy who wants lots of trim.

HERS: LOL! Ahhhhh, the differences that make the world go round. Agree to differ?

HIS: Agreed.

HERS: I also agree you can take me to Spain someday :).

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Mamma Mia!

THEIRS: The mother in law was in town, so HIS and HERS joined some friends for a movie. It was a busy week and they were ready for a break. Note: HIS and HERS do not read each other's blogs before posting.
HERS: I was not in the mood to do anything but sit. However, a babysitter was available for FREE and we had plans to meet friends. So, with exhaustion and my stomach aching, I went ahead and went to the movie...

It was SO worth it. I was singing full voiced, swinging my arms and hands around and just enjoying a musical with fabulous acting and a beautiful scenic backdrop. Now I know what I had previously just suspected. Meryl Streep CAN do anything. She was perfect in this role and when she sang, her acting came through and I was lost in the moment. Meryl Streep. Enough said.

Amanda Seyfried

I was fixed on the eyes, smile and performance of Amanda Seyfried as well. She was beautiful, captivating and just lovely in this performance. I knew her previously as Lilly Kane on Veronica Mars season 1 and as a Mean Girl whose breasts could predict the weather on Mean Girls. She was apparently fired from a soap opera before hitting the big screen on Mean Girls. GOOD. She is too fabulous of an actress and presence on the screen to be stuck in soaps. The soaps gave us Meg Ryan, Denzel Washington and NOW, Amanda Seyfried.

I laughed loud and often, especially when Pierce Brosnan sang. He was really committed...It was just very white manish? I don't know. Like I said he was really in the role, and the voice was reminiscent of 80's pop rock--I think. Either way, he made me smile and laugh, maybe at him, maybe with him. The supporting cast was beyond fantastic and each added so much to the film. The fantasy musical numbers were hilarious and fun, fun, fun!

HER RATING: 9.5 I love musicals, Meryl Streep and I have a new found enthusiasm for Amanda Seyfried! I recommend seeing it. Have fun, loose yourself in the fantasy and just smile!

HIS: I have a bit of background with ABBA. My dad used to play their greatest hits every time we took a long road trip or moved across the country (which was more than a few times). My wife started the tradition anew because she enjoyed the peppy Swedish super group as well. I find the songs catchy, and it's impossible to be in a bad mood when you hear them.

MAMMA MIA! is like that. After watching that movie, it was impossible to be in a bad mood. Definitely an entertaining flick. All the actors went for the singing numbers (even the ones that had NO business trying to bust out a tune - Pierce Brosnan, this means you). I was very pleasantly surprised by the young main actress in the movie (which I only know as a dead character in a show I used to watch). She had pipes to spare, and stole every song she sang.

Meryl Streep. The woman can do no wrong in film. She can be in the sequel to Stop, or My Mom Will Shoot and it would get nominated for an Oscar. She needs to be in at least one film a year of varying genres so my wife and I can enjoy her talent regularly. Great job, particularly in the musical numbers with her two "partners in crime." When my wife buys this movie, I'll be happy to give it a whirl again.

HIS RATING: On a musical movie scale: Solid 8.5 out of 10. Regular movie scale: Solid 8 out of 10. Great movie to see after a long week at work and a great way to kick off a 3-day weekend!