NOTE: HIS and HERS do not read each other's blogs before posting.
HERS: Will Smith played Hancock, a flawed super hero. Sounds good to me! Will Smith was engaging and charming as always. He is a good actor, he played a drunk superhero. I believed him. That says something! Charlize Theron, she is just a gorgeous thing isn't she? She did not gain weight or take off the makeup for this one. She reminded me how fabulous she looks. Aside from looks, it wasn't a meaty part and she was outshined. Contrastingly, she was captivating to watch at the same time. Jason Bateman is really making a comeback (I loved him in Silver Spoons)! In Juno, he played a soul searching wanna be father/rock star and in Hancock he plays a public relations representative with a sense of purpose to do something good in the world. He is back! He was perfect for the role and was the glue that held the movie together.
The best scenes in the movie were the flawed attempts to "do good" that turned Hancock into a despised superhero. The scenes were really funny and visually well done. It looked believable. I know, believable? A super hero movie. . . well, the big twist lost me a bit. When there was another superhero in the movie, I just found it to be unbelievable. I was all for the flawed superhero Hancock. But then in there was ANOTHER "one" of a kind superhero. Not to mention she was Hancock's long lost love who he didn't remember due to amnesia...come on. How can a SUPERHERO have amnesia? He could fly! He could lift heavy objects and repel bullets! BUT, he couldn't remember-BOO.
HER RATING: 6.5 Overall, Will entertained me, I was endeared to Jason and Charlize looked better than ever. I was entertained, but the second half of the movie left me wanting more humor and less "if you love them, let them go "cliche' resolve. Recommendation: Rent it-there are some laughs-and WILL SMITH of course!
HIS: Will Smith owns the 4th of July. Everyone knows this. He was in a movie some time ago called Wild Wild West (a remake with Kevin Kline). This was a ridiculous movie, with very few high notes, and it made over 100 million dollars (a big deal back then). Truthfully, Will Smith is one of my favorite actors to watch on the screen. Very likable - definitely someone you could hang at a barbecue with. I've also been increasingly impressed with the roles he's taken outside his comfort zone (the Pursuit of Happyness was great on the strength of his performance, period). He's shown more layers as a performer than I ever expected.
Unfortunately, that also means that I judge him by a higher standard now than I used to, because I know what he can do. When good actors are in bad movies, they stand out. Big Willie stands out in this movie. Now, don't get me wrong, Hancock is not a bad movie, it's just a good idea that did not become a good movie. It tried to be several things throughout it's running time (man versus himself conflict, unrequited love story, comedy with a small bit of drama, etc.), and it never did any of them well. The best idea was that of a superhero that felt completely alone, and to cope, he shut himself off from the world, drinking more than an MSU student after a football game, not caring about what anyone thought of him. However, this idea goes away well before it's fully resolved, leaving Hancock to: 1. decide whether or not he's in love with someone in the film, and 2. deal with a criminal who is mortal, missing a hand, and can't carry his jockstrap if they ever had to scrap toe to toe. All of these situations are not handled well.
I love superhero movies. Will Smith could be a great superhero. Unfortunately, this isn't the movie that did that for me. But, it was not nearly as ridiculous as The Happening.
HIS RATING: solid 6 of 10 - Will Smith doesn't do anything in this film to make us dislike him. Rent it - it will definitely make you laugh in spots. The scene with the whale is hilarious.
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