THEIRS: It was THEIR 11 year wedding anniversary and they thought they would try something new. They went to see The Blue Man Group-Tubes, in Boston.
HERS: What was that? Three blue men, toilet paper, improv, hand held camera, Twinkies Light, Captain Crunch, crowd participation, TV screens, silliness, percussion, head bobbing, head bands, a band, male adolescent gross out humor. Did I mention toilet paper? There you go. I am sure you have a complete picture now, right? Exactly! Interesting. A new experience.
HER RATING: 7.5 It was enjoyable, I think... and I loved the toilet paper rave-like experience at the end. I would recommend it if you were open to new experiences and are a crowd participation type of person... I am, I loved that part! Did I mention toilet paper?

HIS: There was toilet paper hanging from nearly every corner of the theater. I thought to myself, "this is interesting." I had no idea how that toilet paper would play a crucial role in the climax of the show. First off, the playhouse was tucked away in a corner of the city. Even though I thought the seats were far away, we had quite a good vantage point.
Then, the blue guys came out. Very interesting gents.
We were treated to a performance that involved cool drum beats, splotches of paint, and audience interaction. Oh, and lots and lots of Twinkie goo. LOTS of Twinkie goo. The audience participants were good sports, and everyone seemed to have a good time. Oh, but the previously mentioned toilet paper - I almost forgot! At one of the last points of the show we got to unroll all the paper and throw it around the entire theater. If you can't see the fun in what I just described, you must try it. Absolute, kid-like euphoria.
All in all, I think the show was just another example of how art can take many forms. That, and the reality that three guys painted blue can draw a crowd.
HIS RATING: Blue Man Group - 7 of 10. Toilet paper fun - 10 of 10. Definitely an anniversary for the books......
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