THEIRS: HIS and HERS had a date night, HIS being the comic book fan that he is was dying to see The Dark Knight. HERS liked the last Batman, so off they went.
Note: HIS and HERS do not read each other's blogs before posting.
HERS: What can I say? The movie was preceded by so much hype, record breaking and buzz, my expectations were high. Often, when my expectations are high, I am disappointed. This time...SPEC-BAT-TACULAR! Christian Bale is so the Batman of my dreams. No offense to George Clooney, but he bit bat dust. Michael Keaton... too scrawny to be believable. Christian Bale is brooding and mysterious. He plays the privileged playboy to the tee and then, when the bat suit comes on, TA-DAH. Batman baby! My one note is that his "Bat voice" didn't need to be sooooo brooding. Maggie Gyllenhall was the perfect Rachel Dawes. She may not have the traditional movie star looks of Katie Holmes, but she is stunning in the role. She is believable as the tough girl with a heart. Her performance was stellar. The late Heath Ledger brought down the house of cards as the Joker. He was funny in the creepiest possible way. He was outstandingly ghoulish and so evil that I loved to hate him. OK, so I loved him-no hate included- I guess those teenage years of going for the bad boy are still deep inside me. Anyway, back to the movie. I must say that sadness came over me a few times as I thought of Heath Ledger's daughter growing up without a father. Father being the most important role he will not be able to reprise.
Having never read a comic book, I just go by what I like. The movie "bat"ter than I had imagined. I often dread long movies, but the time flew by-bat style. When his batmobile was totalled and he came out on that bat motorcycle thingy (I am sure it has some graphic novel techie name) I was like, "That's what's up!" I guess there is some teenage boy in me too. (yes, I think I met my bat reference quotient.) :)
HER RATING: 8.5 The acting was superb, it was just dark enough and had fabulous special effects. Christian Bale-the best Batman, Maggie Gyllenhall-the best Rachel Dawes, the late Heath Ledger-WAS the Joker. See it. Rest in Peace Heath.
HIS: This movie has definitely come with a lot of hype and press for quite a few reasons. I was very happy to see and judge the film for myself last night.
And it did not disappoint.
The Dark Knight takes everything that was great about Batman Begins, and ramps it up a notch. Because you care about what happens to the characters, every event seems more serious. You really feel for these characters and the decisions they have to make. I haven't seen this much dread in a PG-13 movie. Everyone talks about Heath Ledger's performance. It is that good - he becomes something that is indescribable. Christian Bale continues to embody the balance between Batman and Bruce Wayne perfectly - and you believe both sides of his personality equally. Gary Oldman continues to put forth great work in the unsung role of Jim Gordon. Maggie Gyllenhall is a serious upgrade to the Rachel Dawes character - you believe she's an adult, and that she could also be an assistant D.A. Aaron Eckhart is great as Harvey Dent, brash, fearless, and then towards the end of the film his fall from grace is as epic as you can get. Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman are old pros, and their work is stellar here as always.
In short, this was not a "comic book" story - it was an epic crime drama. As great as Iron Man was earlier this year, The Dark Knight is definitely the best movie I've seen of this genre. This is one of the ten best movies I've seen since I started watching movies.
HIS RATING: 10 of 10. Amazing performance, airtight, riveting story, and I can honestly say I have NO IDEA what's going to happen next. Last time I said that? The Empire Strikes Back in 1980. I'm very curious to see how this story ends......