THEIRS: Ahhhh, comp time. HIS took comp time and HERS had her normal Friday off, so they decided to take in a flick...baby free.
HERS: The thing about this movie is, it had fabulous characters. So fabulous in fact that the most unique character, Christina, reminds me VERY MUCH, VERY, VERY MUCH of someone I know quite well. So, I laughed often at the similarities. Scarlett Johanson knocked this role out of the bed. I related to Vicky, Christina's best friend. Not the infidelity part, but a lot of her thought processes. Who can't relate to internal conflict? I am responsible, but I have urges to be irresponsible. Now, I am not saying I am running off to Spain, but I understand the want to fill the missing pieces of our lives and wanting to pull yourself out of the box others or yourself put you in. I know who I am but I search to find myself. A common conflict if you continue to grow and evolve as a person. OK, back to the flick...Javier Bardem is a scrumptious in this role of a man who speaks his mind and doesn't apologize for it-he is charming as well. Penelope Cruz is psychotically loving as the crazy ex. She was a unique character too, but I have met many Maria Elena's in my time. It was a good movie because it spoke to some of the most important driving forces in our lives, love, friendship, being true to yourself and making your life your own.It is a conversation film. I enjoyed it in ways I am still realizing 8 hours later.
Woody Allen make a movie about infidelity and love you wouldn't expect to find? Hmmm....direct what you know.
HER RATING: 8.5 This is a hard film to rate for me, the rating just doesn't pop out. It was interesting to watch and promoted a lot of thought and discussion. The performances were great and I if I could look like any star, I'd go with Scarlett Johanson. She is stunning in the role and on film. Does that make me bi-sexual? You have to watch the movie to get that question. LOL.

HIS: This is a Woody Allen movie. Woody Allen puts a lot of relationship-stuff in his movies. At least, the ones I've seen. I thought this was an "OK" movie with an A-list cast. Javier Bardem is on a roll, having won the Oscar for No Country for Old Men. He does a good job here, playing a guy with one thing on his mind - many different women. Scarlett Johanson does a good job as well playing a very free spirit - her character reminded me of someone I know in many ways. Penelope Cruz did a great job playing an unhinged woman that was very passionate and creative. I am convinced she can act; I wasn't sure after seeing the movie Sahara a few years ago. This movie had some subject matter that I didn't dig, but that doesn't mean I the movie wasn't done well. Spain is definitely beautiful; I definitely want to take my wife there someday. The movie was a story that held my interest because the characters seemed to be dealing with so many issues. That being said, Mamma Mia was a love story that I enjoyed much, much more. Maybe if Penelope Cruz broke out in "Waterloo," I may have liked the film more. That being said, I got to spend the day with my wife, and that was definitely the highlight of my day, even if the movie was so-so.
HIS RATING: 5 of 10 - This is a movie that you rent with a really good take-out meal, like olive garden, or the best pizza in town.

HERS: After reading the blogs...more conversation ensued...worth seeing just for that...well, says HERS. HIS might say don't see it, avoid those deep conversations, just take your lady to a light chick flick that leaves her walking away with a pep in her step.The back and forth follows...
HIS: It is no secret I am more black and white about relationships. You saw things I didn't choose to see because the infidelity made his character difficult to empathize with.
HERS: When was HE an infidel?
HIS: Promiscuity, that is what made his character difficult to empathize with.
HERS: I just saw a man with a deeper want to love and being unable to get all the things he wanted in one person.
HIS: That is one way of looking at it, the other way of looking at it is he is a guy who wants lots of trim.
HERS: LOL! Ahhhhh, the differences that make the world go round. Agree to differ?
HIS: Agreed.
HERS: I also agree you can take me to Spain someday :).